Cleaning Myths


is sometimes claimed as a spot removal cleaner for such stains such as ink and blood. It doesn’t work, don’t bother trying to use milk to clean things. Milk is an albuminous substance that can set in fabrics and become impossible to treat. It should never be used as a stain remover.

Soda Water

is sometimes claimed as a spot removal cleaner for such stains such as ink and blood. It doesn’t work, don’t bother trying to use milk to clean things. Milk is an albuminous substance that can set in fabrics and become impossible to treat. It should never be used as a stain remover.


can potentially provide some good stain removal properties but it can discolour fabrics. If you have looked at the underarms of some shirts you will see clearly when people are using alcohol based deodorant, it goes white.


has had a reputation as a remedy for chewing gum stains. The ice stiffens the gum and allows it to be picked from the fabric. This may work in limited cases, but gum dissolves easily in drycleaning solvent which is a much safer remedy than picking at the fibres of fabric and a damn sight easier.

Hair Spray

can remove ink stains; however, hair spray contains alcohol and other ingredients which can damage many dyes and fabrics.

Lemon Juice

can potentially remove rust stains but the lemon juice will oxidise and may cause a stain that cannot be removed.

Soap and Water

is the bedrock of home cleaning removal of all stains; however, drybased stains such as glue, paint, oil, and nail polish cannot be removed using soap and water. Please do not rub holes in fabrics in an effort to remove a stain. In some instances, soap and water can prevent the stain from being removed due to the alkali nature of the mixture which will oxidise stains such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, liquor, and fruit juice. Soap works by bonding fats and oils with water molecules, anything else it does is pretty much no better than just water.


a garment is a sure way to fuse, melt, and damage most synthetic fabrics. Wax dissolves in drycleaning solvent and can be readily and easily removed by any drycleaner.

Colour-Safe Bleach

does not exist. There is no such thing. Any bleach can remove colour and damage dyes on fabrics.

Nail Polish Remover

is used by many people to remove make-up and other stains; however, nail polish remover often contains acetone which can dissolve certain fabrics such as acetate.

If you are worried about getting stains out of a garment or fabric then that is exactly the sort of worry that Newcastle Dry Cleaning can help you with.